Published on May 23, 2009 By CypherPax In Metaverse


I just starting playing Galactic Civ 2 - I  played the original for very long time so I'm used to submitting games to the Metaverse.  I started a Metaverse game and won it today -- and when I got my score the game just exited as if I were playing a non-Metaverse game. I reloaded the end game save game and tried several more times - and nothing seemed to happen.

I read about people getting connection errors - but I'm not even getting that or anytype of screen that indicates it's doing anything but exiting immediately.  Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

(And yes, this game was started as Metaverse game - I had a second game that I played used 'New Game' and then realized I couldn't submit it. When I started this game, I logged into my Metaverse account and generated the game.)





on May 24, 2009

Uhm...there's two of you?

on May 24, 2009

Hmmm....not sure about yer problem, but I must say I admire your choice of account name.

on May 24, 2009

I dont know either....never heard of anyone having a problem like that, which wasnt caused by not actually starting a MV game.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...

on May 26, 2009

Thanks for the welcome!  I'm going to start another metaverse game soon and  see what happens.  I'm enjoying the campaign at apocalypse right now on 'crippling' so it's a good way to work up the difficulty levels.

After a rough start, I have the dreadlords bottled up in the upper right hand corner - and they're seemingly on the defense as my allies are sending a constant flow of ships up there.  I am allied with the Drath and the Korx in addition to my teammates - and have shared enough technology with my alliance that the Yor and Drendin are not a concern.  I'm just not looking forward to taking those two worlds left from the Dreadlords as the Eyes of the Universe shows the two map squares they occupy as filled with little red dots. 

I'm tempted to start over - but I might as well wait it out at this point.  It looks like I'll eventually win by attrition if nothing else...  After that I'll try another metaverse game as I don't know if I'm feeling up to really large map.  If it posts, you guys can see if I'm empire material...

on Jun 01, 2009

Thanks for the help.  Posted two games this weekend, I haven't had any additional problems - I just retire in the first couple of rounds to make sure the game will submit before playing it out.

I am amazed by those that can beat this game at Sucidial on the largest galaxy sizes.  In my small (5x5) Suicidal game, I carefully avoided war and still had to settle for a technology victory to avoid being destroyed by the Drath.  I ended up having to bribe them to destroy those that came after me, I it was obviously that I would be next...

The only other bug I seem to have is that I end up playing a size smaller than I select -- so the game posted is a medium at the 5x5 size.  That happens consistently.... but I guess it's not a big problem as I don't tend to like to play another over large regularly due to the time it takes to complete those games.

Oh well, I won't be a competitve metaverse player - but I'm having fun.

on Jun 05, 2009

I am amazed by those that can beat this game at Sucidial on the largest galaxy sizes.

I hear you mate - my comfort lies in the fact that people actually are able (and even push the boundary ) ... there is a path through the darkness for newbies like us  

Oh well, I won't be a competitve metaverse player - but I'm having fun.

Which is what it is all about! No doubt I will try and scrape as many points together as possible in time... but not out of duty to the empire (may the Fanged God have mercy on my soul ) but to have fun!