The stange life and times of the infamous Bundy Drop Bear Pirate
Published on September 10, 2003 By CypherPax In PC Gaming
I'm currently playing my first gigantic game and it's a eye-opener. Generally, I have the game wrapped up by the time I get Dreadnoughts. I moved down a level of difficulty to Tough (only leaving the Yor at Intelligent) and I'm getting a pretty good run for my money. Everyone ended up with 40+ systems except for the Yor who mangaged to grab 4 systems (The Alexians got 3 in comparison and much better systems at that).

Anyway, it's been a lot of fun. Never seen warfare on this scale and the battles seem to last forever. Logistically supporting conquest is a real challenge as well. I've been constantly at war with the Torians and Altarians, in the meantime the Arceans staked out the entire top third of the map. Fortunately, I have a big edge in Population and Influence.

I do have a question for people who play gigantic maps. What is your colonization strategy? I cranked out colony ships early in the game (I actually overproduced them). Since I was cranking them out, new colonies had very little population. I ended up with no edge in number of systems (in fact Arceans and Torians ended up with more, but I had a very hard time with my population which for a while was actually behind the Yors 4 systems). If a had been playing Painful, I would have gotten completely wiped out. Actually, I still needed a lucky break. I invaded a newly founded Torian colony and took Battleship from them by luck (didn't know they had it and it would have taken me 40+ turns to research). Turned around and traded Battleship for Star Democracy and a few others from the Arceans. Arceans and I held Star Democracy to ourselves and my economy / manufacturing picked up to the point where I could hold my own. Traded a ton of techs to the Yor for 5 Starbase resources and a few years later they surrended to me.... otherwise this might have been a loss.

The bottom line is I could use some help on early game stategy at gigantic.

Happy Raiding,
on Sep 10, 2003
I'd say Ray the Wanderer would be a good resource for gigantics! Haha!